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Jury Selection

Systemic de-selection of high risk jurors

Also in Portland, OR

Tsongas practices a form of what has come to be known as Scientific Jury Selection. Our jury selection services assist with the process of identifying and eliminating negative juror bias on a jury panel. Several approaches are used to assist counsel in making effective use of cause and peremptory challenges, to secure improved jury selection conditions if necessary, and to conduct targeted questioning of a jury panel.

Utilizing their years of experience, Tsongas identifies and helps eliminate negative juror bias from the panel, through:


  • Consultation on jury selection strategy

  • The development of a high-risk juror profile specifically addressing the attitudes, experiences, and demographic characteristics detrimental to your case

  • The creation of a Supplemental Juror Questionnaire

  • The scoring and analysis of Supplemental Juror Questionnaires using Tsongas’ state-of-the-art coding software

  • Artfully crafted voir dire questions designed to maximize learning in the most efficient manner possible

  • In court voir dire assistance where we systematically and efficiently collect juror responses, which frees you to focus on questioning and building rapport with your panel

  • Provide trial jury monitoring

Customized services

All jury selection services are tailored to the client’s individual needs and specific case requirements. They also reflect the type and complexity of the case, as well as the voir dire practices of the presiding judge. Work schedules are set to meet court deadlines and to prepare work products as they are needed by counsel.

Work product

Several types of assistance may be provided. They include:

  • Preparation of a High Risk Juror Profile

  • Preparation of questions for voir dire conducted by judge, attorney, or both

  • Design of a Special Juror Questionnaire

  • Assistance in preparing an affidavit in support of a motion for improved voir dire conditions

  • Community Attitude Survey and affidavit in support of a motion for change of venue

  • Expert testimony on trial venue bias

  • Jury selection guidelines and consultation

  • In-court jury selection consultation and assistance

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